Another container had all sorts of polar bears, penguins (which technically would never meet each other unless at a zoo!), snowflakes, igloos, and stars. I have used the penguins from that container. The other foam items are going to be used in our craft at the birthday party, but I'll post pics of that another time.
I didn't have the proper pans to make a octagonal shaped cake like she wanted to I had to wing it using round pans for the top part and a rectangle pan for the bottom. They certainly didn't look like octagons when I was done, but she liked it anyways. I used a butter cream icing and sprayed it blue. I also attached some icing snowflakes that were blue and white. We found them at the Bulk Barn.
The melting snow was made out of marshmallow fondant. The taste of this fondant is so much better than the bought stuff and it is super easy to make. I just cut wavy strips and adhered it to the cake with a bit of icing. I didn't do that great of a job, but again, Elaina thinks it looks fantastic and that's all that matters.
Well, I'd better sign off. I have about a million Christmas cards left to make, presents to wrap before Saturday, and party decorations to make for tomorrow! Have a great Friday!
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